Organization Development Coordinator

Charu Murti is an independent research analyst who brings 20 years of work experience in research and management positions spanning four countries. Her work experience includes leading and managing research projects and conferences involving academia, government and industry. In Canada, Charu has worked as a research and policy analyst for the Chiefs of Ontario in the Education and the Strategic Units and completed an environmental scan of First Nation education programs and services in Ontario.

Charu has a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in mathematical statistics and a post-graduate diploma in marketing from University of Delhi, India. She also has a Certificate in Non-Profit Sector Management from Ryerson University and has written research papers on First Nations education. She has recently completed a certificate program in Aboriginal Law with the Osgoode School, at York University.

Charu has volunteered for 14 years in her community and local school as a board member and as a parent council member.

As a newcomer to this land, she tries to journey through life mindfully, trying to view the world through the perspective of the original people of this land.

In her leisure, Charu practices yoga and is a certified yoga teacher.

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